WELCOME TO THE FriendlyMrPokies webpage!
Only the brave hearted and the humor endowed may Take a Shot at the Ultimate in Web Excitement. Heed my warning, for there is Extreme Entertainment that might offend you as you go deeper into the Realm of Omen. You were warned so therefore my conscious is clear.
"FriendlyMrPokie is a Dirty Lieing Stupid Whore" - Stubby1, "A SKANK WHORE!!, AND YOU USE A WALL HACK!" - LiteStormer (as he screams when one of my sniper rounds rips him a new asshole), "A Dirty Lieing Slut!" - Anilihator Thanks for all the Info guys
Please wait while the Java Loads. It is definately worth it, trust me.
Press the under construction bar to see what I have updated.
Last updated November 26th, 1997 6:00 pm Alaskan time
Now with SOUND and Java using Internet Explorer 3.0 or better. Best viewed with 1024X768 resolution
Dont Piss on my Freedom of Speech.
This Site won't have proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, nor will it be politically correct. Oh yeh, It probably may have some Bad Words, swears, curses, fungus, coodies, some type of vanerial disease, most sexually transmited diseases,
and it may have a foul odor!! It won't not have proper grammer or spelling due to the conneticut educational system.
(Thank You Conneticut).
(And tell Some Friends about Me)